What if you could get the equivalent rest of 4 hours of sleep in 15 minutes?

It’s possible, and it is a favorite strategy of my clients because it WORKS! When you are in fight/flight mode, the blood is pumped to the extremities to position you to run or fight. Your digestion shuts down, the heart pumps faster, and you are on ‘high alert!’ That is meant to help you handle emergencies. The problem is many people live in that place. You can interrupt that mode, move the blood back into your core, relax your breathing, and rest your adrenals through the R&R pose.

The R&R Pose

  • Lying on your back, place your feet on a chair (knees are bent).
  • Place your hands at your sides.
  • Closing your eyes, allow yourself to breathe deeply and easily.
  • No TV, reading, music, talking, or distractions.
  • 15 minutes in this position is the equivalent rest of 4 hours of sleep.
  • Don’t be surprised if you fall asleep. There is no limit or negative side effects to this therapy!
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